Coronavirus situation report

Information importante

Cette actualité a été archivée. Les informations qui y figurent sont peut-être devenues obsolètes depuis sa publication. 


Situation update as of 29 December 2021

  • Teaching and exams will continue to take place on site from 3 January
  • Replacement exams will be organised within two weeks for students who were unable to sit exams due to COVID 19
  • Vaccination sessions have been reserved for students from 3 January in 2 centres.
    To book an appointment:
    UGECAM in Illkirch-Graffenstaden (The Centre de vaccination de l'UGECAM will be open on Saturday afternoon and Sunday)The Vaccinodrome de la CeA (Centre de vaccination du SDIS, place du Quartier Blanc in Strasbourg/Centre de vaccination de la Bourse)
  • Information about the reception of international students can be found in the ”International” section

Schedule for the beginning of the 2021 academic year

Due to the persistence of the coronavirus, the university has been forced to implement a number of measures in order to reconcile the necessity to respect hygiene precautions with the smooth running of the academic year. A 100% return to onsite work at the beginning of the 2021/22 academic year is planned for both students and staff. The university is planning for students to return to the campuses under normal conditions while respecting the hygiene guidelines. Should the public health situation and the national guidelines change, teaching conditions or campus life may be adapted, and if this occurs, priority will be given to L1 and L2 students.


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