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International contacts at Unistra

International Relations Office

The International Relations Office (IRO) has the following main missions :

  • Implement the international policy of the institution;
  • Strengthening the attractiveness of the institution by developing its European and international dimension;
  • Support the internationalisation of the institution in a transversal way with all its components and central services.

Under the political responsibility of the Vice-President for Europe and International Relations, the International Relations Office informs, raises awareness and supports the University community in the areas of mobility, coordination of cooperation programmes, support for partnerships and hosting of foreign delegations.

The IRO offices are located on 2 sites:

Le Patio
22 rue Descartes
Bâtiment 5 - 3e étage
67070 Strasbourg

Maison universitaire internationale
11 presqu'île André Malraux (à côté de la médiathèque André Malraux)
67100  Strasbourg

The IRO team :

Policy and management team

Prof. Irini Tsamadou-Jacoberger
Vice-President for Europe and International Relations
Professor, Faculty of Languages
Le Patio

Dr. Joern Pütz
Vice-President in charge of Franco-German relations
Vice-President Eucor - The European Campus
Le Patio

Irina Simion
Director of International Relations
Le Patio - Office 5334
Phone: +33(0) 3 68 85 65 36
E-mail : insimion@unistra.fr

Gaëlle Talbot
Deputy Director of International Relations
Head of International Reception, Support and Promotion Unit

Le Patio - Office 5333
Phone : +33(0) 3 68 85 60 30
E-mail :gaelle.talbot@unistra.fr

Executive Secretary

Rosa Lina Curras
Executive assistant
Le Patio - Office 5306
Phone: +33(0) 3 68 85 62 67
E-mail: rlcurras@unistra.fr

Franco-German mission

Karine Prost
Franco-German Project Officer
Beauftragte für deutsch-französische Beziehungen
Le Patio
Phone: +33 (0)3 68 85 11 75
E-mail: prost@unistra.fr

Anime Network

Mathilde Le Clainche
International Projects Officer
Le Patio
Phone: +33(0) 68 85 65 64
E-mail: mleclainche@unistra.fr

Galya Hovhannisyan
Assistant International Projects Officer
Le Patio
Phone: +33(0) 68 85 65 19

International Reception, Support and Promotion Unit

Gaëlle Talbot
Deputy Director of International Relations
Head of International Reception, Support and Promotion Unit
Le Patio - Office 5333
Phone: +33(0)3 68 85 60 30

Ferid Muharemovic
Communication Officer
Maison universitaire internationale
Phone: +33(0) 3 68 85 67 23
E-mail: muharemovic@unistra.fr

Séverine Censi
Crous housing officer for student mobility
Le Patio - Bureau 5305
Phone: +33 (0)3 68 85 60 02
E-mail: scensi@unistra.fr

Maria Uritu
Communication Officer
Le Patio - Office 5333
Phone: +33(0)3 68 85 65 88
E-mail: uritu@unistra.fr

Charlie Da Cunha
Translator and coordinator of the international welcome e-desk
Maison universitaire internationale
Phone: +33(0) 3 68 85 65 35
E-mail: c.dacunha@unistra.fr

Célia M'baloula
Assistant communication Officer
Maison universitaire internationale
E-mail: mbaloula@unistra.fr

Mégane Pietrzykowski
International relations digitalization coordinator/MoveON
Maison universitaire internationale
E-mail: dri-support-moveon@unistra.fr

International Cooperation Unit

Laurent Bonnord
nternational Project Officer
Le Patio - Office 5309
Phone: +33(0)3 68 85 65 08
E-mail: bonnord@unistra.fr

Séverine Yahiaoui
International Project Officer
Le Patio - Office 5309
Phone: +33(0)3 68 85 67 33
E-mail: syahiaoui@unistra.fr

Clara Euzénat
International Project Officer
Phone: +33 (0)3 68 85 65 76
E-mail: ceuzenat@unistra.fr

PUI - European and International Training Office

Camille Dieudonné
International Project Officer
Le Patio - Office 5308
Phone: +33 (0)3 68 85 65 26
E-mail: cdieudonne@unistra.fr

Adèle Richard
International Project Officer
Le Patio - Office 5308
Phone: +33(0) 3 68 85 60 12
E-mail: adelerichard@unistra.fr

Europe Mobility Unit

Sandra Rebel
Europe Mobility Unit Manager
Institutional Erasmus+ Coordinator
Maison universitaire internationale
Tél : +33 (0)3 68 85 65 13
Courriel : dri-erasmus-mobilite@unistra.fr

Émilie Roos
Deputy Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator 
In charge of Erasmus+ agreements (all countries except Spain)
Erasmus+ outgoing mobility manager
Country portfolio: Belgium, Netherlands
International University House
Tel: +33(0)3 68 85 64 02
Email: dri-erasmusagreement@unistra.fr

► Incoming Europe mobility

Pascale Ranson
Responsible for incoming Erasmus+ mobility (Studies, BIP)
Country portfolio: all countries except Spain and Portugal
Maison universitaire internationale
Phone: +33 (0)3 68 85 63 82
E-mail: dri-erasmus-incoming@unistra.fr

Julia Laffitte Louisou
Incoming Erasmus+ Mobility Officer (Studies, BIP)
Country Portfolio: Spain and Portugal
Management Assistant for Outgoing Erasmus+ Mobility
International University House
Phone: +33(0)3 68 85 62 85
Email: dri-attestations@unistra.fr
Email: dri-erasmus-incoming@unistra.fr


► Mobilités sortantes Erasmus+ (Etudes, stage, enseignement, formation et attestations)

Zoé Galea
Gestionnaire des mobilités sortantes Erasmus+ 
(Etudes, stage, enseignement, formation, BIP) 

Portefeuille de pays : Allemagne, Autriche,Grèce, Liechtenstein

Sophie Mathieu
Chargée des accords Erasmus+ (Espagne)
Chargée des mobilités sortantes Erasmus+
(Etudes, stage, enseignement, formation, BIP)
Portefeuille de pays : Espagne, Italie, Portugal (toutes mobilités) et Belgique, Pays-Bas (mobilités stage et BIP)



Alice Geslin
Gestionnaire des mobilités sortantes Erasmus+ 
(Etudes, stage, enseignement, formation, BIP)
Maison universitaire internationale

Portefeuille de pays : Bulgarie, Chypre, Croatie, Danemark, Estonie, Finlande, Hongrie, Irlande, Islande, Lettonie, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Macédoine du Nord, Malte, Norvège, Pologne, Roumanie, Serbie, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suède, République Tchèque, Turquie

Leslie Papigny
Mobility grants manager (AMI, Unistra, Eucor, Eiffel)
Maison universitaire internationale
Phone: +33 (0)3 68 85 65 16
E-mail: dri-bourses@unistra.fr

Charlène dos Santos
Management Assistant - Non-Erasmus+ Unit
Maison universitaire internationale
Phone: +33(0)3 68 85 60 63
E-mail: dri-dd-ufa@unistra.fr

Other international contacts and venues

The Maison universitaire internationale is the place where the services dedicated to the reception of international students and researchers are concentrated.

Several departments of the University are represented in this space:

  • The International Relations Office
  • The University Life Department
  • The Research and Development Department;
  • Eucor - The European Campus.


La Maison universitaire internationale
11, Presqu’île André Malraux / Rez-de-chaussée du bâtiment
67100 Strasbourg
Monday to Friday, 9.00 to 12.30 (and afternoons by appointment)

E-mail: mui-info@unistra.fr

Phone: 03 68 85 66 49

Each faculty, school and institute of the University of Strasbourg has at least one contact person to help you prepare for your studies and your stay abroad.

►Download the list of international relations correspondents in faculties, schools and institutes

Eucor - The European Campus is a trans-national university consortium of which the University of Strasbourg is a member. This inter-faculty project brings together a number of central services as well as components, research units and doctoral schools.

At the University of Strasbourg, the Eucor - European Campus team supports students, PhD students, lecturers and administrative staff in any mobility or cross-border cooperation project within the group.

E-mail: campus-europeen@unistra.fr

The EURAXESS Service Centre facilitates the procedures necessary for foreign researchers to come to Strasbourg,
PhD students, post-doctoral students and lecturers at the University of Strasbourg.
It helps foreign researchers prepare for their stay and installation in Alsace. A partnership agreement has been signed with the Bas-Rhin Prefecture to speed up the residence permit application process.

E-mail: euraxess@unistra.fr

Postal address: Maison universitaire internationale - 11, Presqu'île Malraux, 67 100 Strasbourg

Phone: +33 3 68 85 16 50

Opening hours:
The office is open every day from 9.00 to 17.00 by appointment (except in emergencies).

The International Unit of the Doctoral College was created in 2015 by the Research and Development Department.

It is a single point of contact for international activities relating to PhD students and partner universities setting up cotutelles with the University of Strasbourg.

It is also responsible for

  • Helping to set up cotutelle agreements;
  • Managing Erasmus+ mobility for PhD students;
  • Doctoral College mobility grants;
  • Administrative follow-up of the international doctoral programme;
  • Organisation of language tests.

Address: Doctoral College, 46 boulevard de la Victoire, 67000 Strasbourg

Website: Consult the "International Unit" of the Doctoral College

The International Institute for French Studies (IIEF)at the University of Strasbourg offers

  • Courses in French as a foreign language (semester, year, initial training, continuing training)
  • for non-French-speaking students, teachers and trainees (from beginners to advanced - levels A1 to C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - CEFR - leading to university diplomas).

Address: Le Pangloss, 22 rue René Descartes 67000 Strasbourg

IIEF Website

E-mail: iief@unistra.fr

La Maison universitaire France–Japon (MUFJ), est un service de l’Université de Strasbourg ayant pour vocation de promouvoir et de favoriser les échanges académiques entre l’Université de Strasbourg et le Japon.

Les activités de la Maison universitaire France–Japon sont multiples et passent notamment par :

  • L’organisation de colloques, conférences, tables rondes …portant sur le Japon ;
  • La diffusion d’informations facilitant la mobilité des étudiants, enseignants et chercheurs entre la France et le Japon ;
  • L’accueil des délégations japonaises et la facilitation de la prise de contacts avec leurs partenaires universitaires et scientifiques de l’Université de Strasbourg.

Courriel : mujapon@unistra.fr

Site web : http://mufrancejapon.unistra.fr/

Adresse : 42a avenue de la Forêt noire, 67000 Strasbourg

Tél : 03 68 85 20 12

Horaires : Du lundi au jeudi de 8h30 à 12h et de 14h à 17h


Logo du CNRS
Logo Établissement associé de l'Université de Strasbourg
Logo du réseau Epicur
Logo de EUCOR, Le Campus européen
Logo de l'Inserm Grand Est
Logo de l'Inria


Logo du label Bienvenue en France
Logo du programme HRS4R
Logo du programme France 2030
Logo de Service Public+


Logo de France Universités
Logo de la Ligue européenne des universités de recherche (LERU)
Logo du réseau Udice
Logo de l'Université franco-allemande